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About Us

We are a registered charity, our charity number is 1036086

We are a small friendly group with four members of staff. All staff are fully qualified in early years practice, have a current first aid certificate and are fully trained in child protection.

We have a highly effective key person system which means that children quickly form strong attachments and their well-being is promoted extremely well.  Staff work to develop exceptionally strong relationships with parents and gain a secure understanding of individual children’s care needs. We are a committee run group. Parents are elected to join our committee and they help with the running of the pre-school and arrange fundraising activities for all to join in and have fun.  Our Annual General Meeting is held in October each year, parents are invited to attend to adopt our policies and support us through the following year.   The date for our next AGM is Wednesday 9th October 2024.

The aims of our pre-school are:

To enhance the development and education of children

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, with parents and staff working together.

To provide a fun, safe and stimulating environment

Thus encouraging the children to learn to the best of their ability and to give them all the support we can to enable them to achieve the Early Learning Goals for this age.

To work with and encourage parents to become involved in life at pre-school

So that we can provide for the needs of their children through our community group.